Consumer Purchase Behavior and Tendencies

Consumer Purchase Behavior and Tendencies

Image of Consumer Purchase Behavior and Tendencies - Mailing List Connection

Mailing List Connection now offers a Database of 3370 different Consumer Predictor Models that estimate with a high probability rate Existing Consumer Product and Service Relationships, as well as accurately predict Specific Future Consumer Purchases.

Need to reach a specific consumer group? Mailing List Connection got you covered!

The Data Modeling that we and our data partners utilize enables Direct Marketers to select the target audience in a highly systematic way and to reach the intended consumer group in an effective and results-oriented manner.

This state-of-the-art Consumer Data Modeling utilizes multiple contributing data details, but is derived primarily from Media Search Patterns along with previous Digital Transactional Data. The resulting data is typically 80% accurate with a 5-point margin of error.


The Data is designed for Direct Mail and Telemarketing.


Type Quantity Price
Names and Addresses 5,000 $0.11 each
Phone Numbers $0.01 each, additional

Please contact us with your specific area of interest for specific counts and further details.