Aircraft Mailing List Data Samples

Sample Aircraft Data for Mailing Lists


Datamasters now offers a brand new Database of 246,180 Aircraft Owners throughout the USA available for Direct Mail Marketing. The Aircraft Owners Database features not just individuals, but partnerships, corporations and government agencies all owning Aircraft. The following are all of the available criteria: Aircraft Category, Aircraft Type, Airworthiness Classification, and Airworthiness Classification by Year of Certification, Engine Type, and Ethnicity of the Aircraft Owner, Number of Engines, Registration Type, Year Manufactured, and Phone Number of the Aircraft Owner.

Selections by Type of Aircraft
Balloon 5,936
Blimp/Dirigible 28
Fixed Wing Multi Engine 29,542
Fixed Wing Single Engine 196,401
Glider 4,166
Gyroplane 262
Powered Parachute 2,591
Rotocraft 8,893
Weight Shift Control 1,213
Selections by Type of Registrant
Co-Owner Non U.S. Citizen 9
Co-Ownership 29,900
Corporation Non-US Citizen 399
Corporation 70,305
Government 1,423
Individual 140,497
Partnership 5,548
Selections by Classification
Experimental 38,073
Light Sport 1,892
Limited 149
Multiple 2,124
Restricted 5,264
Special Flight Permit 307
Standard 185,098
Selections by Type of Engine
None 38,073
Reciprocating 198,368
Turbo-Prop 7,793
Turbo-Shaft 2,798
Turbo-Jet 1,606
Turbo Fan 7,317
2-Cycle 6,376
4-Cycle 15,323
State Counts
AK 7,506 HI 632 MI 7,054 NV 3,571 TN 4,371
AL 3,659 IA 2,984 MN 5,563 NY 6,204 TX 21,265
AR 3,077 ID 2,910 MO 4,535 OH 7,138 UT 2,239
AZ 6,866 IL 7,207 MS 2,270 OK 4,431 VA 4,313
CA 25,607 IN 4,344 MT 3,346 OR 6,309 VI 158
CO 5,837 KS 3,719 NC 6,044 PA 5,900 VT 622
CT 1,910 KY 2,064 ND 1,514 PR 542 WA 8,268
DC 205 LA 3,124 NE 2,088 RI 349 WI 5,223
DE 7,591 MA 2,875 NH 1,522 SC 2,321 WV 1,061
FL 16,836 MD 2,453 NJ 3,237 SD 1,641 WY 1,377
GA 6,044 ME 1,385 NM 2,869 Total 246,180
Data Uses: Companies and Offers that have been successfully marketed with Direct Mailing using our Aircraft Owner Data include: Aircraft Aftermarket Parts Manufacturers, Aircraft Insurance Companies, Investment Offers, + many more. Pricing: Postal pricing starts at any 5000 of these Airplane Owners for 14 cents each. Out of the 243K aircraft owners, we have about 69k with Phone Numbers. Phone Numbers will cost 2 cents apiece additional. Please Contact us with specific questions regarding the Aircraft Owner Data for Targeted Direct Mail & Telephone Data.