The Mailing List Connection offers the Premier USA Vehicle Owner Database
For Postal Mailing, Contacting by Telephone, as well as Email Broadcasting.

Postal Mailing
We currently have available almost 185 million vehicle owners with names and addresses in over 77 million USA households .

Email Broadcast
We have almost 30 million phone numbers both DNC and non-DNC, of which a little over 7 million are not on the National Do Not Call database..

We have almost 90 million vehicle owners with email addresses

Get the most comprehensive listing.
Information you get
All of our automobile owner records come with names and addresses plus the vehicle year, make, model and VIN number.
Additional information you can get
The following data details can be added: county name, address type, fuel type, body class, body style, record update date, date of birth, land line phone number both DNC and non-DNC, cell phone number, gender, email address, as well as a vehicle purchase intent indicator.
Attributes that can be overlaid and cross selected
See all of the below 152 interest selections and data attributes that can be overlaid and cross selected. ATTRIBUTES AND INTERESTS.
Related Pages
Also see our RV Owner, Motorcycle Owners, ATV and Boat Owner pages.
Get the most accurate data.
Compilation methods and data sources
Our auto file is updated monthly from title transfer information, vehicle purchase information as well as vehicle sale information. Every month, almost 2 million auto owner records are both updated and added to the Mailing List Connection Vehicle Owner Database.
These vehicle ownership update methods along with a monthly NCOA to the file, results in the most accurate and comprehensive automotive marketing file currently available.
Auto data applications
We have thousands of customers who utilize our automotive data for direct mail, email and telemarketing. Companies who sell automobile service contracts, automobile dealerships, automobile service and repair facilities, attorneys that perform class action work, companies that sell aftermarket parts and accessories, as well as insurance companies who offer auto insurance are just of few of the many applications that our auto data can be used for.
Get the most for your money with our unbeatable pricing.
Auto Data Pricing
All of our vehicle owners come with name and mailing address along with vehicle year, make, model and full VIN numbers. We can provide any 5000 automobile owners for $0.095 each or any 10,000 automobile owners for $0.09 each. If DNC scrubbed telephone numbers are required, add $0.015 apiece additional to the cost. These prices could vary depending on the states needed or the status of current data availability.
Please inquire about our volume discounts!
Peel and Stick Labels
The automotive data will come in an Excel file unless otherwise specified. Please add $10.00 per thousand if you need the names and addresses printed on peel and stick labels.
Auto Data with Email and Auto Data Email Appends
Of the over 185 million auto owners on our auto file, we have almost 90 million email addresses available (see the attached Auto Owner Email Counts). If selecting one per household we will have about ½ of this number. We can supply any 5000 auto owners with email for $0.15 each or any 10,000 for $0.14 each. Please inquire for further details.
We can also add email addresses to your auto data or to the auto data you purchase from us for a fee of $0.12 per match with an estimate 10% to 40% match rate.
Please ask about our volume discounts!
We have a lot more to offer.
First Out Automotive Data
We offer weekly and monthly auto owner data of newly purchased automobile, SUV and trucks. These brand new vehicle owners are ideal prospects for auto warranty sales, vehicle aftermarket service contract offers and many other offers a new car owner would be receptive to. See our (Weekly and Monthly Auto Data Schedule and Data Card).
Businesses with Vehicle Fleets
We offer a unique database of over 1.5 million over the road semi-truck owners and vehicle fleet owners for direct mail. See our Fleet Counts by state and by Number of Vehicles as well as our counts for Vehicle Type and Cargo Classification. The pricing for the fleet owner mailing lists starts at any 5000 of these truck and fleetowners for $0.12 each. Phone numbers will cost $0.02 apiece additional. Emails will have to be released in house and will cost $0.15 each with a minimum order of $1500.00. So 10,000 emails all 100% guaranteed delivered to the specified recipients.
Leased Vehicle Information
We offer vehicle lease expiration data with names and addresses of vehicle lessees who are coming up on the expiration of their vehicle lease. This vehicle lease expiration data can be pulled for leases expiring within the next 90 days, as well as leases due to expire from 90 days to 180 days, see average counts here (1 to 3 month Lease average count) and (4 to 6 month Lease average count). This information is maintained by the credit bureaus; (The attached documents must be agreed to and signed off on before lease info can be delivered: they are Lease Compliance Checklist, Auto Lease Data Use Guidelines and Granit Bay Guidelines and Terms and Conditions). Also an offer of credit mail piece must be approved by the credit bureau. The price for this type of data starts at $0.24 per lead with a 4000 record minimum order.
Blue Book Value Appends
Blue Book Value is a consumer driven vehicle value. We can add current blue book values to your auto data order. The blue book value appends will cost an additional $0.08 per record.
Black Book Value Appends
Black Book Value is a dealer driven vehicle value. The black book valuation deals with wholesale values and uses most up to date auto sales information. The black book value appends will cost an additional $0.07 per record.

We are here to help.
Auto Owner Database Support Information
Please see our Automotive Database Support Information.
Please contact us today to speak to a friendly Automotive Data Marketing Specialist, (800) 575-3002 or email us.
Terms of Use
Before using any of our data products, please review our Terms of Use Information. When using non-DNC land lines, cell phone information or email data, the Terms of Use Information will have to be thoroughly reviewed and agreed to in writing
.We are compliant.
Shelby Law and DPPA
All of the Mailing List Connections vehicle counts and vehicle data files are in full compliance with the Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) as well as the Shelby Law. Our data is also in full compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).