Mailing List Connection Specializes in Mailing Lists of Homeowners that Currently Have High Interest Rates on their Home Mortgage!
What We Provide
There are several ways to reach Homeowners that may need to Refinance.
We can provide you with a Mailing List of Homeowners who currently have an Adjustable Rate Mortgage. As well as, Homeowners that have their Mortgage with a Sub-prime Lender or Finance Company. In addition, we can also provide Mailing Lists of Homeowners who currently have a FHA Mortgage or a VA Mortgage.
Selects Available
There are many selects available that can be added, such as:
Purchase Date
Loan Amount
Home Value
Plus many more, please inquire.

We Can Provide More
In addition, we can provide you with a Mailing List designed to reach First Time Home Buyers, such as:
Apartment Dweller Mailing Lists
Mailing List of Apartment Addresses
Home Renter Mailing Lists
The cost of these Various Homeowner Lists depends on the type of List & the quantity ordered. Please inquire with respect to Pricing & Minimum Orders.