Contact Motor Home & Travel Trailer Owners in your area through Direct Mail!
We maintain an extensive RV Database and can create a Recreational Vehicle Owners Mailing List for your direct mail needs.

Postal Mailing
We currently have available almost 185 million recreational vehicle owners with names and addresses in over 77 million USA households .

Email Broadcast
We have almost 30 million phone numbers both DNC and non-DNC, of which a little over 7 million are not on the National Do Not Call database..

We have almost 90 million recreational vehicle owners with email addresses

You can select just the Motor Home, 5th Wheel, or Travel Trailer Owners in the area surrounding your location. You can also select by Manufacture Year, Make, or Model.
Pricing Varies by State. Please Inquire
Please add $10.00 per thousand if you need the Names & Addresses on Peel & Stick Labels.
**Volume Discounts Available**
We provide targeted marketing solutions that enable you to identify probable RV owners. Here are the USA RV Counts by State.
Total |
01 ALABAMA | 38,626 |
02 ALASKA | 14,341 |
04 ARIZONA | 38,466 |
05 ARKANSAS | 17,088 |
06 CALIFORNIA | 125,672 |
08 COLORADO | 48,945 |
09 CONNECTICUT | 8,534 |
10 DELAWARE | 3,698 |
11 WASHINGTON D.C. | 59 |
12 FLORIDA | 102,607 |
13 GEORGIA | 51,393 |
15 HAWAII | 176 |
16 IDAHO | 34,277 |
17 ILLINOIS | 52,535 |
18 INDIANA | 39,167 |
19 IOWA | 46,318 |
20 KANSAS | 17,142 |
21 KENTUCKY | 26,806 |
22 LOUISIANA | 40,184 |
23 MAINE | 11,691 |
24 MARYLAND | 17,277 |
25 MASSACHUSETTS | 19,816 |
26 MICHIGAN | 99,752 |
27 MINNESOTA | 63,113 |
28 MISSISSIPPI | 19,564 |
29 MISSOURI | 42,803 |
30 MONTANA | 18,982 |
31 NEBRASKA | 16,414 |
32 NEVADA | 21,362 |
33 NEW HAMPSHIRE | 12,629 |
34 NEW JERSEY | 15,833 |
35 NEW MEXICO | 26,788 |
36 NEW YORK | 54,044 |
37 NORTH CAROLINA | 55,861 |
38 NORTH DAKOTA | 16,566 |
39 OHIO | 68,237 |
40 OKLAHOMA | 38,265 |
41 OREGON | 66,448 |
42 PENNSYLVANIA | 68,244 |
44 RHODE ISLAND | 3,576 |
45 SOUTH CAROLINA | 27,905 |
46 SOUTH DAKOTA | 16,574 |
47 TENNESSEE | 34,657 |
48 TEXAS | 152,425 |
49 UTAH | 37,010 |
50 VERMONT | 9,279 |
51 VIRGINIA | 27,571 |
53 WASHINGTON | 92,964 |
54 WEST VIRGINIA | 16,412 |
55 WISCONSIN | 46,218 |
56 WYOMING | 15,188 |
Total | 1,939,502 |