E-Mail Lists
We offer the "US Celebrity E-Mail List of Actors & Actresses", Athletes with home addresses, NASCAR enthusiasts, International E-Mail Lists, RV owners, Diabetics, Investors, Day traders, Students, Teachers, Time Share Owners, Travelers, Smokers, Doctors, Lawyers, Nurses, HR Execs, Accountants, Real Estate Agents, Insurance Agents, Students, etc.
All records come with Time Date IP & Source
Please inquire for Specific Counts & Pricing
Data List Library
Ailments = 4 Million
Alternative Lifestyles (Gay/Lesbians) = 1.9 millionAthletes (professional) = 19k (postal only)
Automotive Identification Database = 6 million
Auto Zoners = 3.6 million
Bulk Data = 8 to 15 million fresh per month
14 million (postal and phone)6 million (with contact name)
5 million (with email and phone)
11 million (with email - no phone)
Canada = 4.3 Million Postal
College Students = 4.8 million
Contacts/Glasses = 4.9 million
CPA’s = 300k
Chiropractors = 52k
Dentist = 68k
Doctors = 1.2 Million with Postal (700k with email)
Family = 87K (with Email)
Orthopedic = 24K (with Email)
Pediatric = 62K (with Email)
OBGYN = 40K (with Email)
Cardiologist = 25K (with Email)
Donors = 30 million (postal and phone - 7.7 million with email)
Health Enthusiasts = 1.3 million (GNC = 750k)
Hispanics = 12 million (with email and 3.4 million with phone)
Insurance agents = 260k with email 150k additional postal and phone
Investment/Biz-op/MLM = 20 million (goes back 13 months 40k each day)
Investors = 3 million (528k serious Investors)
Land Based Gamblers = 800K
Lawyers = 300k (265k with school and specialty)
Lower My Bills = 3 Million
Medications = 4.3 Million
Mortgage (Lending Tree) = 5.6 million
Mortgage brokers = 114kMotorcycles = 2.2 million
Military = 625,217
Active Military = 346,217 (Army)
Active Military = 172,000 (Marines)
Active Military = 107,000 (Air Force)
Active Military = 171,847 (NAVY)
Retired Military = 4,198,219
Retired ARMY = 2,648,879
Retired NAVY = 584,283
Retired Marines = 516,318
Retired AIR FORCE = 448,739
NASCAR = 4.4 million
Non incentive Co Reg’s = 15 million
Nurses = 500k Postal and Email
Online Gamblers = 11 Million
Outdoors Hunters/fishers-camping = 7.5 million
Parents of K to 12 = 5 million
Pet Lovers = 1.9 Million (1.1 Million with Email)
RE/brokers/agents = 1.3 million (1.1 Million with Email)
RV Owners = 660k
Singles = 10 million
Smokers = 15.4 million
SOHO = 3 million
Sub Prime = 3 million (Lower my bills Included)
Teachers & College Professors = 470k with Email and Address
Time Share = 1.1 million (600k with email and phone)
Tribune online News Readers = 11 million
Voters = 183 Million
Wealthy Americans = 786k (Email with 40% phone)
WineEnthusiast.com = 382,998
Yoga = 110k
Young Adults (Age: 18 – 24) = 12 million…
All EMail communications comply with the Can Spam Act (S.877) of 2003.